
 Tonight as I got out of the car after date night, I carefully stacked a coffee cup, a water cup, my purse, my phone, and two bags of groceries in my arms. It shouldn’t have come as a surprise when I spilled my water and almost lost the coffee and the lobster ravioli that I wanted to savor the final few bites of tomorrow. That’s what my life feels like right now. It’s all precariously balanced and at any moment it might all come crashing down.

I’m still here, you guys. I have really gotten caught in a whirlwind. I can’t seem to get things ordered around here. It feels like there is always something waiting for my attention and nothing ever seems to get done. I am overwhelmed and anxious, and instead of doing the next thing, I’m trying to carry all of them. The precarious balancing act. I just need to keep reminding myself of the truth. Jesus said, “Come unto me all you who labor and I will give you rest...” Matthew 11:28

Ok. I’ll do it. 😭❤️


  1. Yes, sweet friend, He will restore you and provide the peace you need. Prayers!

    1. Thank you for your prayers. They are precious to me.


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