
It's 7:42. I'm tired.
This headache started a few hours ago. I haven't had a headache in over a week. 
Before that I was having headaches for days on end. 
You want to know something I'm embarrassed to admit?
It makes me think I have a devastating disease that is only presenting in all-too-common ways.
I probably don't, I just need Lisa Murphy to say the magic words.
"You're fine."

When I sit down in this corner, in this chair, with this guy adjacent to me.
When the kids pile up on our bed and play games together with their heads so close to each other that their faces are practically touching, I feel it the most. 

I am living under the blessing of God. 

I love my life. I wake up in the morning and feel free. I laugh out loud every single day. I get hugs straight out of bed. I don't feel afraid of "messing things up" by saying the wrong thing. My darling and I know each other so well that sometimes our conversations only require half the words. This love grows deeper and richer every time we lock eyes. My children are kind. They have a sense of justice and compassion. They are healthy and beautiful, and I know I got more than I deserved when I God gave them all to me.

I live by a code of values given by Jesus to His followers. Love God, and love others. I would label myself, without reservation, a slave to righteousness. My life is not my own. But, I am FREE. I don't carry around the guilt of my failures. I am not buried under painful memories of betrayal and hurt because of the miracle of forgiveness. 

This idea that "real freedom isn't anarchy, it's found in order and fulfillment of purpose" has held me captive for days. It doesn't make sense. It seems like freedom would be wide open spaces with the ability to do anything you want. But that's just not the case. Anarchy is defined by as "a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority." That sounds like a nightmare to me. Without law and order and authority, there is no freedom.

It's not just for me, darlings, the salvation of God is free for all. Turn to Him. Bring it all, the guilt, the shame, the darkness, the addictions. Bring them to God in a prayer of repentance and ask for your freedom. Jesus is the way. 

“For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.”
‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5:13‬ ‭NASB‬‬



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