
 It’s a small thing to plant seeds and see them springing up out of the ground, but it brings me an exorbitant amount of joy. It’s crazy to me that at middle-age I am still learning such elementary skills as gardening. Just like when I bought six packages of green bean seeds, I didn’t realize that there are different stalks and bushes, and they grow different kinds of beans. I’m watching these little sprouts to see if they will need to be staked or caged. I have no idea what they will do as they reach for the sky. I can only hope that they will produce a harvest that is as wonderful as seeing these tiny sprouts come out of the ground. Whether they do or don’t I am thankful in the waiting.

“They sowed fields and planted vineyards that yielded a fruitful harvest; he blessed them, and their numbers greatly increased, and he did not let their herds diminish.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭107:37-38‬ ‭NIV‬‬


  1. I am so excited for you and the joy that gardening brings for you!


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