

After I graduated high school, I spent the summer in Chicago working with a ministry that served the inner city. It was my first long-term experience away from home, and it was like my eyes were open for the first time. I saw beauty everywhere I looked. 

Our dorms were in a quiet neighborhood away from the hustle of the city, so we did a lot of driving. I remember longing to pull the van over so I could run through the fields of wildflowers. I grew up un Kansas, the sunflower state, and had never wanted to run through a field before. Somehow when I was on my own, the tiny faces of the flowers in the most unsuspecting places caught my attention. God was calling my name.

Yesterday I spent part of the afternoon pulling weeds at the farm where I have a small garden. I’m not good at gardening yet. I’m still learning how to decipher weeds from seedlings. I had to look outside the perimeter of my garden for comparison. That was when I noticed the wildflowers blooming. As I walked through the field collecting different flowers, I felt this wave of God’s love wash over me. I have dreamed of having a country house for years, and even though I don’t have it yet, I have access to a little piece of heaven, just because. I’ll never understand why He loves like this, but I am humbled and overwhelmed by His love.

“Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these.”

‭‭Luke‬ ‭12:27‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬



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