Our church pulled out all the stops for VBS. They always do, but this year was like a grand re-entry after a year of Covid restrictions. My kids were so excited they could hardly sleep. When I snapped this photo, I had just broken the news to the boys that it was over. Their medals shined a little less at the prospect of waiting a whole year for it to happen again.

I was blown away by how many people showed up every single night to help. There were over 100 volunteers that showed up night after night. Each time I walked in to pick up kids, I felt a little regretful that I couldn’t volunteer this year. In the helping, there is more that takes place. Community is built. Roots go deeper. Connections happen. People that don’t know anyone on Monday have a place to belong by Thursday. It’s the part I always forget about. When the people of God make sacrifices for the kingdom by showing up, He rewards them abundantly. Hearts are secured. Lives are transformed. Relationships are established. It’s a beautiful thing. 

Thank you to everyone who gave up their evenings all week long to contribute to leading my kids closer the Jesus. I am praying for blessings upon blessings on you and your family. 

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve…”

‭‭Mark‬ ‭10:45‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬




  1. All of their sweet faces 😁 Each one captures the moment so well.


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