Back to the real world...

After a wild weekend, we are two days into our *normal* lives. The trip could not have gone more smoothly. We left early, early on Friday morning and got to Emporia at 11:45, just minutes before Nanna arrived for her lunch break with hot pizzas in hand. I spent the afternoon napping and the kids and Sarah went to Sonic. Dale arrived about 3:00 just before I rolled out of bed. Papa was home from retrieving the church's new lawn mower, by 4:00, the kids were home and Nana came in close behind.

The big surprise was a party we had been planning for Sarah for weeks. Originally Shanda, my work buddy, and I had intended to do a luau to celebrate her birth on Friday night here in town. But when Mel called and said that she was having a baby shower, we chucked the plans for the party and promised a rain check. Well, Sarah had no idea we were planning and sneaking around with the intention of only moving the party to Emporia... gotta switch the laundry.

We managed to get her to the party without her having any idea there was a huge surprise waiting for her around the bend. For being 250 miles away, that's quite a task. When we pulled up to the house, she saw my van parked in a nearby lot and said, "What is your van doing here? WAIT! Let me put on some mascara!" It was a perfectly thought out scheme that shocked her to bits! I loved it!! Thank you Shanda and Nicole and Mom for working so hard to pull it off. It was so worth it.

TR and Mel showed up later, which was another surprise. We all hung out at Mom's and laughed until the wee hours of morning, then got up early and headed to Hutch for the baby shower. It was a really refreshing and exhausting weekend at the same time. What would I do without my family? I only wish everyone had what I have in this life. It just doesn't get better than this. Family is what it's all about.


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