Here comes Peter Cottontail...

Morning came SO fast... Lulu fussed at 6 and I rolled over and pretended that I couldn't hear her. Isn't that funny? Sweet irony chokes hypocrisy.

Easter came and our house is full to the rim with candy. We went to one of the local churches for their annual Easter egg hunt Saturday. This kids piled into one room and to listen to Bible stories and wait for a huge drawing to begin; little did they know that every kid would get a prize. Parents lined the room and spilled into the hallways. It's so funny how excited people get about stuff. I'm telling you, mothers were falling all over themselves to get their kid to the front for his prize. Now, I gotta be honest. I was pretty curious to see what was in those bags. There must've been a huge push in the congregation for months ahead becuase the bags were stuffed full of cool stuff- all different. It was as if every Grandma in the place shopped for their favorite kids and donated all the findings to the church.

Dale was not amused at being in a room full of sweaty kids for an hour waiting for the big hunt... finals are coming, every minute counts. But shortly after all four names were called, the hunt began and was over in minutes. MINUTES! I was glad for the anticipation. It's what makes memories so monumental.

These baskets came from Mawmaw and Pawpaw. Nana sent origami dollars and Easter cards. Aunt April hosted the Sunday egg hunt after a delictible ham and pot luck and Dana's. Gotta love those, but the points... the points! Can't indulge like that more than a couple of times a year.

It was a really nice weekend. I love holidays for what they are- an excuse to not work, set out a huge spread of food, and be with family. Thank You Jesus for giving us such a precious gift. His ways are so much higher than ours.

This is the first picture we took inside- it's rough, but the kids looked so sharp and put together. When we got outside the wind blew us all to smithereens! So I had to put this one in. Aren't Dale and Leila precious? I just adore him... I adore them all! How could I not???

So much to do, so little time... garage sale is coming and I have loads of stuff I'd like to torch in the front lawn, but my Sista insisted that I make twenty bucks off my crap. She needs to sell some furniture before the big move to Chicago. So I should get a nice big pile together. That's what I intend to do today after I mop and dust. And finish thirteen loads of laundry and make a nice fresh tossed salad and cut up the strawberries, the cantaloupe and the pineapple. Hopefully Lulu will sleep right through most of that list.


  1. What a beautiful family! I do have one question though, why the heck does Dale not smile?! He has a lot to smile about.


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