Infamy and me

WOW! I got tons of mail on this one! And so I've reach my goal. I'M FAMOUS!

I sent an e-mail to my family and a few friends last night to notify them that I had changed my URL. In the e-mail I mentioned that I wanted lots of comments because I wanted to be famous in the blog world. Haha. FAMOUS IN THE BLOG WORLD! I changed my url so that my name wouldn't be anywhere on this site. I laughed while I was writing it because I thought everyone that I sent the e-mail to knew me well enough to know that I was kidding. It was so ridiculous that I thought you'd all laugh and say, "That girl..." But some of you really think I want to be famous. So excuse me, could I get a boost up on that large box? I have something to say.

I had a long conversation with my friend Tiara Fairy just two nights ago. It was a repeat conversation. We have lots of repeat conversations, mind you, and we don't care. We generally talk for eight hours at a time when we are working. In the course of that conversation, I confessed to her, after much self-reflection amidst the long sleepless hours of night, that I was scared of the next chapter in our lives. Terrified, in fact. As ready as I've been all my life, I likened my situation to standing at the front of the line after waiting two hours to get on the new roller coaster at World's of Fun. The nerves that tell you to RUN AWAY are pounding in my guts. That's why I'm chasing tears away every other minute of every other day.

If you have known me for any length of time, you know that I'm a visionary. I always have been. I have HUGE expectations for our future because when God called me to ministry at nine years old, He planted a seed in my heart that has been nurtured and cultivated and now promises fruition.

The branches are starting to bud. I cannot tell you what that reality means exactly, but I do know this. When it all comes down, there will be no place to hide. I tremble at the thought.

I love my privacy. I love living in this tiny corner of the universe because when I go to Wal-Mart, no one knows my name. When I walk through the smoky crowd at the time clock, no one says anything to me. I occassionally get a courtesy nod, but nothing personal because the same people have watched me clock in and out for three years and don't know anything about me. It's because I'm private. I keep my business to myself because it's mine and it's sacred. I'm invisible.

You may know that I write and am in pursuit of being published. But you need to know that I write under a nom de plume. I have no interest in publicity. I have an obligation to contribute financially to this masterpiece of a family. It breaks my heart to hear my kids sigh when I tell them I have to go to work. Every day one of them says, "I hate it when you go to work." I am not exaggerating. Someone says it everyday. If I can sit here and write my contribution, I should. And I intend to.

I despise celebrity. I hate having to explain to the kids that if Gwen Stefani came to our house for dinner, I'd make fried chicken for her because that's what I like to make for company. But I wouldn't be nervous, because she's just a girl, just like us.

So now you know; love me or leave me. I am what I am. I still want your comments, but you can e-mail them to me or post them. I don't care. I mostly just want to know if you've read my life updates so I don't repeat everything I wrote the next time you call me. That's always so awkward.

Here's my funny boy. I tried to catch him before he took his blue swimsuit, with white hot flames up the legs, off. Isn't he a trip? So much like his Daddy.

He looks like a pirate in real life, but in this shot he looks like he's a mousketeer. What are the words to that good ol' tune anyway? Come along and sing the song and join the jamboree...


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