On Eagles' wings

My mom told my kids about this incredible sight called Eagle Eye Cam. It's worth taking a look at. (Click on the black box; when you hear buzzing you're in. Wait for it and try back if you can't get it to load. The eggs should be hatching any day now! It's so cool that they can't manage all of the traffic concurrently.) Dale's love of this majestic bird has permeated all of our hearts, so watching this has just been amazing.

I couldn't help but be a little overwhelmed as I watched the live feed for the first time. When I was in college, my favorite professor preached chapel one morning and actually brought an eagle in to use for his illustration. I knew they were big, but I didn't realize how big. A mature, adult female has a wingspan of nearly eight feet and weighs between ten and fourteen pounds! In the midst of over a thousand students, just having the massive creature in the building was intimidating. It shook us all; the auditorium was completely silent. Keep in mind, it was chained by foot to it's keeper, but the possibility of it taking flight at any moment was not as preposterous as it sounds. There were a few times when it started to flap it's wings and the keeper struggled to get it under control. I remember feeling absolutely mesmerized by the beautiful bird.

I can't keep my thoughts away from the way God uses the imagery of an eagle to show how He will carry us. Do you not know? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired; His understanding is inscrutible. He gives strength to the weary, and to him who lacks might, He increases power. Though the youths grow weary and tired, and vigorous young men stumble badly; yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength. They will mount up with wings like eagles; they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary. (IS. 40:28-31) I get so tired sometimes, and I know it's only because I have been at His feet where there is rest. Real, intimate, soul-rest. I am stuck in vs 30 growing weary and tired and stumbling badly. The promises seem so lofty, but God is not able to extend empty promises. And so I will pursue Him, knowing He will give me rest. Soul-rest.


  1. OMG I totally remember that chapel service!!!!! I was awe struck. Remember we all kept trying to clap and the keeper was freaking out 'cause we were suppossed to be quiet. It was really amazing though! I will never forget it either! C


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