Leila's tootsies

I'm hoping to post something worth reading tomorrow as I have lots of time to study tonight. I just wanted to leave an update on Leila as this week in NUTS and I won't have time to chat mindlessly on the telephone...

Yesterday I told the kids they could play in the sprinkler, for the third time this summer. I can be a real drag as a mom. ANYway, I put Leila in her walker on the concrete in the shade and then went to drag out the sprinkler. She was only a few feet from me and started crying and then screaming. I thought she was mad. Turns out the concrete was really hot and she was standing full force on one foot.

I picked her up and discovered blisters on her feet!!! I am not in all arenas a terrible mother, but I have my moments. I spent a couple of hours consoling her and then decided to check out the internet for a little self-assurance. Turns out she had a second degree burn, very prone to infection, so I called the doctor who sent me to the ER. They treated her and cooed over her "good-natured"ness and her adorability, and sent us home with silvadine??? and gauze wrapped feet. Most of the blisters were gone this morning and she's been walking around like she hasn't noticed anything wrong today. She's a little miracle.

Thank you for praying if you knew. God continues to amaze me with His generosity in return for my idiocy.


  1. oh man, poor leila. glad she is better. sorry i didn't get your calls on saturday.

  2. poor baby girl! glad she is okay.

  3. Done that been there. My oldest burnt his little footsies on a floor furnace. I felt horrible. He was fine. I think I was more emotionally scared than he was. Kids are resiliant.

  4. they bounce back from those things pretty quickly. I took Lindsey to the ER after she got hurt playing with me and said "I did it". They finally realized I didn't mean to do it, I was just feeling so bad that no coherent explanation was coming out.

  5. awww...poor baby! I'm glad she is fine. It could have been a lot worse I'm sure. I miss you guys. Are you going to go to Emporia for labor day weekend? Erica and I probably will be.


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