
Since I was a teenager I led worship in youth group, church meetings, the local rally at the park... I thought it was the crown jewel of all church positions to lead worship, thus making me the crown jewel. (I am embarrassed to admit that.) It was like I was something when I was behind the piano with a microphone. I never believed I was the greatest singer or that I had phenomenal gifts for worship, I just thought I had a special anointing, like it was what I was born to do. And then when we moved to Missouri I took on the glamorous position of Certified Nurse's Aide. That means I do everything that a higher paid, more educated person doesn't want to do, the jobs that are beneath them. I used to quake every time someone told me to do something petty because they didn't want to walk up the hall. I would think, "Do you have any idea who I am and what I'm capable of?" and the Holy Spirit would whisper into my heart "This is who you are, are you capable of it?" As in, if anyone wants to be great in God's kingdom, he has to learn to be a servant of all. It took me a long time to embrace the fact that the road to greatness is paved with grievous tasks and menial chores, it's a life of doing what no one else is willing to do.

People have this concept of ministry and think it's full of glory and acclaimades, but it's a difficult burden to bear the call of God; but when He calls your name, it's so humbling and awe-inspiring that there's nothing you can do but follow. Imagine Jesus calls you out of a crowd and says, "I want you, go with me." He plays the flute of the pied piper and I dance through the fire right behind Him because I am still so enamored with the fact that He called my name. He calls your name.

I am listening to the soul songs of Rita Springer, one of the few who know the truth about worship. Everything I used to believe about worship has changed. I have even wondered if there was any value to corporate worship, which in my studies I have confirmed that yes, there is definitely value in worshiping together as one voice in the house of God. It just seems to have become such a show of talent and ability, a big horse and pony show for whomever is chosen to shine for the week. When was the last time you got on your knees following the leader who wept in the presence of God, and not for show, but for the sake of being in the presence of God? It's five songs, a segue into the prayer time, and some sort of a tag jazzed up to get everyone ready for the offering. What I have found is that true worship, true spiritual worship is found in walking in obedience to God. He lays the path and we walk it as a living sacrifice. And how much more precious when we pour out our hearts in worship to Him in a quiet place away from the world where no one else is listening? And then to present an offering with the whole family of God together... It's the combination. I can not imagine that singing for a half hour and crying and giving "a sacrifice of praise" once a week is much value, if any, to God if nothing else is in its proper place.

If you can find this song on-line, download it. It's just fantastic, a song of private worship so beautifully expressed in song... but just the text is so powerful too. Ladies and Gentlemen, Ms. Rita Springer:

Oh the way the sea
crashes on the shore
And with endless praise
glorifies Your name
Oh the mountains green
stand with faithful feet
Raise to point their song
and declare You King

I can see you everywhere
All around me in the air
You surround my heart with songs of rare belief
Creation groans and leans on You
How I wish that I could too
Teach me more to be... like... You

You wrap yourself in light and You ride upon the wind
You cause the sun to shine and obey to rise again
Of You I stand in awe and I'm filled with words to say
All of who You are is why I want to stay

I can see You everywhere
All around me in the air
You surround my heart with songs of rare belief
Creation groans and leans on You
How I wish that I could too
Teach me more to be like You...

I can see you everywhere
All around me everywhere
You surround my heart with songs of rare belief
Creation groans and leans on You
How I wish that I could too
Teach me more to be like You


  1. Friend,
    you have read my mind. I struggle with the lights and drama of the corporate worship scene. I know there is a place but it seems that no one (at least in our church body) is willing to step aside and be vessle rather than in the spotlight. I wrestle with this weekly and find my private sing out loud worship times in the car to be true worship!! even the kids CD's work for me--nothing is more joyous than the songs of a childs voice belting out to their creator.
    you are a gem!

  2. i love you and am glad to be walking this journey TOWARDS obedience so that our lives might praise him.

  3. hey
    did a little research on rita springer --love her music and her heart

  4. hey,
    did a little research on rita springer -love her music and her heart.

  5. I love you Seestah!!! This is part of the reason I love to be around you so much.. and I miss it... you and your husband tooo!!! You both challenge me to be better... to dig deeper... to follow Jesus better!!!! Thank You!!! I love you!!!!


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