Hodge Podge

I posted yesterday in a daze of emotion, and then reread my post and thought, "Eek. None of this makes any sense at all. I'll rewrite it." Unfortunately I have not gotten back to it, no promises... who knows if it's worth publishing. Time will tell.

Flwrptls who are you??? I don't mind annonymous comments unless I can't guess who it is. Makes me loco, jyou know?

SO today is weigh day, an exciting day in the life of Dale and Becca. I gotta tell you, that guy blows my mind. He is like the incredible shrinking man. I'm all excited about losing one pound a week, he is still dropping 6 to 8 a week! It's completely healthy, the way he's doing it, I wouldn't say it's out of balance at all. We needed such drastic changes in our lifestyle, I can only attribute his success to God's blessing. I love it. I'm so proud of him and he continues to change in spirit and character. The glimpses I see of the old guy he used to be make me all the more grateful for the out of this world man I'm married to now. I can only pray that my girls will hold out for Mr. Wonderful and not settle for Mr. Right Now. It's so worth it.

My little bundle of joy is *screaming right now* WALKING! She is so funny toodling across the floor. She thinks she's such big stuff, she is starting to clap too. It's hillarious! I love having children. We went to the dentist this week and while we were there, a family with six children came in, and on our way out another family with five was coming in. I wanted to hug the moms as I passed, but they looked as exhausted as I did on three hours of sleep. Somehow *only God* we came out cavity free! WOOHOO! They all got registered for a drawing for free tickets to Worlds of Fun. The dentist's office today is not the same place it was back in the day. I sat in the waiting room most of the time, and I could hear Jasmine yelling "OUCH!" But she came out smiling, so I just let it ride. They are such amazing kids. I adore them to pieces!

Wednesday, for the last couple of years, has been family movie night. We haven't been able to have it for months and months because usually if we are all home, we get invited to dinner or we go out to dinner. Last night we had no plans, as eating out is no treat when you are living on garden scraps. So the kids suggested family movie night, which everyone agreed was a great idea. We all piled up on the couches with blankets and pillows and a bowl of kettle corn, and watched Superman III. As usual, Dale and I ended up snuggling and dozing on the floor, and all the kids were stacked around us. I love these days.

It's 6:13. I guess I should feed the wild bunch. They are watching a home movie the girls made while the boys were gone. I just heard Kennedy say on the video, "And now a commercial about strawberry underwear." Yikes.

FYI:I cancelled my myspace account out of necessity. It just didn't suit me. You can always find me here.


  1. I love you rebecca. Thanks for helping me lose weight and losing weight with me. I only have 2 people that I want to prove this weight loss to, you and a friend in Illinois. Not that its me doing it, but I see your face and his everytime I think about shoving a tombstone pizza (supreme, large size)down my throat.
    I am hoping that it will be our year to make our mark, Vision Quest, you know what I'm saying? M.Div, 10 years, 60 pounds, what next? Chaplaincy before January 1? A 6th child? Only our Lord and savior knows......

  2. so much... I can't wait to see you!!!!

  3. I don't know what happened... I used up the whole box, and it erased most of what I wrote!! I love you so much though... If I was a better typer I would retype it... but I am not!!

  4. Hey girl,
    Know the whole want to hug other moms thing...I want to give you a big hug and sat, come lets sit and chat about our babies! Bayleigh is just not starting to side step around the table and call for the dog! She lights up our house with her joyful laughter and babblings! I have found two things that hold my eyes open after over 1,249 sleepless nights...toothpicks and ducktape...ducktape being a last resort! :)
    Many Blessings,


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