The journey to wellness

SO... Dale is whittling away to nothing and I am losing gradually. I will tell you this, I am smaller than I was when I got married- only by a few pounds, but smaller none the less. I love it. It is a great feeling to know that the numbers are moving and that if God blesses us with another baby, I can take the weight off- it is not an impossible feat.

About six months or more ago, I read an article in prevention magazine. They had done side-by-side evaluations of several of the current trends in diets. It was interesting as I have always been obsessed with/addicted to dieting and physical fitness and reading such articles- not always practicing... SO at the end of the article, they posed the question to a panel of big name national nutritionists, like the FDA guys, "which one is the best?" and one of them said something that stuck with me. He said, "It's all about the math." You eat calories everyday. You burn calories everyday. If the numbers equal each other, you stay the same weight. If you have leftover calories you store them in pockets of fat and eventually gain weight, if you burn extra calories, you burn what's in storage and lose weight. SO simple. All the sudden carbs and points and exercise all amounted to numbers. All numbers.

Watching Dale count calories and work out tirelessly has inspired me everyday. Seriously, we went to Pizza Hut last night. I am portioning, but not denying myself much. He used to order a large pizza and eat 8 of 12 pieces, plus somtimes we got buffalo wings and ate them all. So he ate a few wings, had a salad, and one piece of pizza. It was vacation; we were splurging, right? Yea. That was his splurge. I am not as committed to the eating part, but the exercise is invigorating! I love it. I do as much as I can everyday. And not eating certain things when he's around has made enough of a difference that I am losing. It's nice. I will tell you this, though. I get almost as frustrated about clothes that are too big as I do about clothes that are too small. It's aggrivating to try on four outfits and only have two options. And when you are losing, nothing fits just right, you're always in between. I usually take the squeezier clothes and rig them up with safety pins and rubber bands. I AM a dork. But I don't care, it's something I'm accepting about myself.

It is incredible what a difference eating right and exercising does for your spiritual and emotional health. I am so inspired to change everything when my body is under control. It makes me wonder if there is something to overeating that kind of lulls your senses to sleep. I can let so many things slide when I am full of something I ate way too much of. It's a terrible feeling that I am beginning to despise when I sense it coming. For what it's worth, there is something to this self-control thing.

All that to say this, here's a picture of me in a bikini so you can see my progress.



  1. Counting Calories is he only way I have ever lost weight. It really makes you "aware" of exactly what you have been eating.I have also cut out carbs mostly because I am addicted and diabetes is on both sides of my family and not from high weight gain but from carb overloading. Don't forget to treat yourself occasionally. And remember to seperate your emotions from your food. Food is fuel not contentment. Lots of Love and Support to you both! C

  2. You're the woman!!! I lost a ton of weight several years ago(back to bad now) when I started working evenings...I was working, so snacking was out and I would bring a yogurt, fruit and some pretzels for supper. That's all it took. I got back down to an 8...but there is something that happens to your hips during birth...they just won't go back no matter how much exercise or diet!
    oh, weight does melt off of men....they could do very little and lose 15 lbs in one week! Not fair!

  3. Hahahahaha!!! I have been inspired by you and your husband... I had only one taco lastnight... and some chips... instead of 2 tacos a burrito, some salad... not the kind that is good for you.. and some sort of dessert item... when I am already so full that I feel vomititious!! I need to stop being the glutton that I am right now!! My main motivation now is this... I can't be the fatty at Christmas or Thanksgiving or whenever we all get to see each other again!!! I just can't have your husband being skinnier than me... from the sounds of it he is on his way there!!! I liked the picture trick... Hahahahaha!!

  4. you r one funny chick. I wish I was loosing weight as fast you think I am. I hate this struggle. I hate the aching knees and the pain in my shins and the desire to give up as my day BEGINS. Yet in spite of my tendency to be a miserable, failing, pile of warm hamster puke....I know Jesus

  5. You inspire me...I use food as stress relief when I know exercise works much better.

    Excuse me now, I have to get the cookies out of the oven.


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