Good Things

Moving has yet to top my *favorite things* list, but there are perks. Like the countless loads of neglected toys that find new homes via the Goodwill, the hundreds of pounds of garbage that are lifted from our habitation, and my personal favorite, the journey down memory lane.

In a stack of unmarked VHS tapes I found my wedding video. This year marks our eleventh anniversary and a deeper dive into the boundless love that is ours because of Christ. I watched with tears rolling down my cheeks surrounded by our childern in the life that is ours because of Christ. What was really fascinating to me was the love that we felt with such intensity for each other when we barely knew one another, I could see it in our eyes. It was the same look that I have in my eyes now only it was naive and innocent and untainted and shallow. Depth comes with trial and perseverance and suffering and pushing past what seems hopeless to attain what is hoped for.

I cry so easily these days... maybe it really is the overwhelming situations that I continue to find myself in, but I don't think so. It's true; I'm sad, and nervous, and pre-lonely, but I don't think that's it either. I think it's that in this life, I have everything. I have everything this life has to offer. We have health and hope and peace and family that sticks and loves each other deeply and almost inexpressibly. I think they are tears of gratitude for the goodness that my God, who is generous and defines love, has lavished on someone so unworthy of any good thing.

So when I read your emails so full of anguish, I cry, because I've been there and will be there again hoping someone is crying with me and praying for my peace as I am for you, knowing that on the other side there is rest for God's people.


  1. God bless you in your move, b. I pray God blesses every aspect of it. May your time there be blessed and may your goodbyes be sweet. May your new home be full of peace and contentment. May you find new friends quickly and may your children do the same. May your husband walk in the fulness of Christ as he ministers reconciliation to needy ones. May blessings beyond your imagining and ability to hope for be dropped happily and unexpectedly into your life. May all your needs be overwhelmed by God's abundance. And, may you live long and enjoy much. God bless.... suba


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