Chuck E Cheese

Our celebration of completion, while belated, commenced at Chuck E Cheese in leau of Dale's day off. We decided to have lunch at IHOP since they are having all you can eat pancake deals starting at $4.99, which is a steal. After a lavish feast of bacon and eggs and pancakes galore, we headed over to Chuck E. Cheese for the next leg of the party. If you sign up for their e-mail newsletter, you get a coupon for 100 tokens for $10, which is also a steal. I insisted we take advantage of the savings before they expired. Leila sat on the Chuck E. Cheese car that takes your picture and dropped one token in after the next, only to be rewarded in the end with no pictures due to the lack of print paper in the machine. She didn't care though because she got the longest ride ever. I was glad I didn't let Dale give her more than seven when she started loading them mid-ride. Somehow Tre managed to come away without any tangible evidence of ever having been at Chuck E. Cheese with us tha...