Drive-In Movie Night

Awanas continues to garner " oo's and ah's " from the Sutton tribe. A few weeks ago, we picked up four pinewood derby car kits to prepare for this thrilling event that we turned in last week. Along with the official turn in date, we were asked to make more life-size cars out of cardboard boxes that the kids would be able to sit in for the movie. This was all the rage all week long; the kids were cutting and painting and scribbling and constructing and begging boxes off all the neighbors because their mother has whittled their possessions down to sole necessity items, which means despite two moves in that past eighteen months, they do not have one single extra box to speak of. Anyway, to add to the magic of the evening, the Awana coordinator called about an hour before meeting time to tell us the kids could also come in their pajamas. It was the best news they've ever gotten over the phone, you would've thought. So, pajama clad with box-cars in tow, we hea...