Spring Nesting

If we have to live out here a million miles from home, I might as well have a baby every spring. My house is getting really clean, I'm getting things done that I've been meaning to tend to since we moved in, and we will be seeing family we haven't seen in a year!!! I'm really starting to get excited.

This week I cleaned the kids' rooms first instead of saving the insurmountable mountain for the last thing on the to-do list after pedicure. Seriously, it has saved me SO MUCH GRIEF!!! I have been checking on the rooms every couple of hours to make sure all my hard work doesn't get away from me. It helps to move furniture because the most dreadful aspect of the task is what is hiding under and behind the beds. So rather than send the kids under with a trash bag, I move the entire piece of furniture to different part of the room and start sweeping at one end until I have a pile at the other end. Generally three-fourths of it is trash and the other part contains one treasured item that has been missing for weeks. I am elevated overnight to the hero of the household when I disclose all of the mystery finds. It's quite exhilarating.

I have also started the curtains for each room and will post pictures when they are all completed. I'm no artist and hardly a seamstress, but the color makes such a difference in a rental and all of it's ecru decor. It's worth the effort.

We are looking at the end of the school year and it's hard not to pile three days' worth of work in front of each kid just to get them that much closer to the end, but I'm really trying to refrain. It would be better to drag it out a few extra weeks in the end than to burn them out on education for life, if I haven't already. This morning I was grilling Micah on mixed numbers and told myself he was just being lazy, not thinking, until Tre came in and I growled at him for wearing a shirt that belonged to one of the other kids just because it was in his drawer. That's when I realized, "Hey, it's not them, it's me! I'm the grouchy one!" I should've known when I crawled back into bed before Dale was even out the door. I've been working hard and not taking my usual naps, so when I crash I am down for the count. But when I sleep in, it's a backfire in my mood. Go figure.


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