Puppies for sale... only fifty cents

I have been dreaming up this post for several days- nights actually; every time I get woken up it takes me a good forty minutes to get back to sleep- since I've realized that the baby is going to come and make it's presence known very soon and with that the realization that I am about to start living on torture sleep schedule again, waking every hour or two to tend to a new life. I haven't minded too much that Max needs to go to the bathroom at 4:30 every morning because usually I do too. But when he started getting up twice, I started to get mad. And when I realized that no one else was going to let him out when he ran up the hall, I got a little madder. And when he got up early and chewed up a brand new bottle of expensive lotion, I flew into a rage.

I have since apologized to all who witnessed the fury, and thankfully I didn't cause any physical harm to the puppy, but it was probably because the only thing within my grasp was a pair of light pajama bottoms and I was late for a doctor's appointment. Forgive my frailty.

So I was going to only put Max up for sale until I woke up from my nap today and Scooder has fleas on his tummy. It wouldn't bother me so much except that I found fleas on him a week ago and took him straight to the tub, gave him a good scrub and soak in the flea bath, treated him with spray, Dale sprayed the house, and voila! He still has fleas. Gross. I can't bring a baby home to this kind of hostile and flea-ridden environment. If you're interested, I will gladly box up the pair and ship them right off to you tomorrow. They are sweet dogs and relatively obedient and someday they will make good pets, but for now I despise the sight of them.


  1. I will take them! You know I love little Scooder. I bet he would remember me too. Sweet little dog.


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