First John

The Friday morning Bible study completed the book of Habakkuk and commenced a new study of 1 John. As I was finishing up my homework for the first lesson, I found myself wondering how the content could be so appropriate to my circumstances again! That's when it occurred to me that the Word of God is living and active. It spans every generation and every culture. It is eternal, both directions. And yet I find myself so surprised that it fits me like a glove every time I put it on. Am I so naive to think that God cannot really know how to set me up with tools for living a life in His shadow when I need them? And why am I not devouring this Book, pages at a time, every spare second that I have?

I'll tell you what is the most striking to me right now. 1 John speaks directly to the hypocrite in that if you say you are without sin, you are a liar and the truth is not in you. However, if you obey the Word, then you can rest assured that Jesus Christ is who you say that He is in your life. It's black and white, light and darkness. The interesting element is that it goes on to say that we all will continue to sin, even as we walk in light, but we have an advocate, Jesus Christ, who covers us in forgiveness. The difference is in what you say you are, if you believe you are righteous and do not walk in truth or follow the paths of righteousness, you are a liar. But, if you confess your sins as you strive to walk the narrow path, Jesus takes up for you and covers you every time you slip up. Once again, it's a matter of the heart.

I am struggling again with my temper, my attitude, and the sting of my sharp-shooting sarcasm. I can't seem to escape it. I keep wondering if it was some sort of trick that for three weeks I was clean as a whistle, almost, and then week four, back to square one, reverting to behaviors prior to day one. I despise myself all over again. Why can't I change this miserable excuse for a mother that I prove myself to be? Then it occurred to me that this is not habitual. Sin, while it may become a habit, is a choice. It can only be counteracted by a minute-by-minute transformation of the mind. In the instant that I would let my mouth betray me, I have to capture the thought that produces the action and replace it with the word. The anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God. Therefore, I WILL respond in a manner that produces the righteousness of God. That single act is the very definition of dying to the flesh.

Crucifixion is not a simple process, and in that, crucifying the flesh cannot be done in one swoop of a habit change; nor can it be done in the meager strength of a man. God help me, I am so weak and small trying to conquer this mountain in my life!!!


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