Drive-In Movie Night
Awanas continues to garner "oo's and ah's" from the Sutton tribe.
A few weeks ago, we picked up four pinewood derby car kits to prepare for this thrilling event that we turned in last week. Along with the official turn in date, we were asked to make more life-size cars out of cardboard boxes that the kids would be able to sit in for the movie.
This was all the rage all week long; the kids were cutting and painting and scribbling and constructing and begging boxes off all the neighbors because their mother has whittled their possessions down to sole necessity items, which means despite two moves in that past eighteen months, they do not have one single extra box to speak of.
Anyway, to add to the magic of the evening, the Awana coordinator called about an hour before meeting time to tell us the kids could also come in their pajamas. It was the best news they've ever gotten over the phone, you would've thought.
So, pajama clad with box-cars in tow, we headed out of town for Drive-In Movie night.
They were a little disappointed when they walked up to not only not see any other cars, but also none of their friends had jammies on. I thought it was cute to hear all the youth group kids saying, "Oh, Drive-In Movie night! I used to love that!" 
When they came out, they said, "Mom, why do all those kids think they are way too cool to wear their pajamas to church?" I just laughed. None of them said they wished they hadn't worn them, but Micah did say he was mad that he had to sit on a chair for the movie.
He didn't feel like making a car, even though I asked him several times. Kennedy tried to explain to him that they would get to watch the movie in their cars, but he can be a little hard-headed and insisted that he didn't care. So we all just shrugged when he said, "Everyone else got to sit in their cars while I had to sit their on a chair!" Live and learn, I guess.

It was so cool how they had it all set up. The multipurpose room was completely cleared in order for the cars to park in front of the longest wall where the movie was projected. Every kid got a bag of popcorn and a juice box for the feature. It turned out, other kids did come in their jammies, and there were quite a few cars, but it's a little intimidating to show up in a clown suit when it seems like everyone else dressed for the prom.

I've been brainstorming on something I can do for the coordinator and her husband the commander. They both put so much into this club every week, it's hard to imagine anyone being that committed to anything for a bunch of other people's kids, but they really are. It's clearly their mission and I want to really express my gratitude. Naturally, the first thing that comes to mind is to bake something... maybe I could make a small spread and pass it around to all the teachers... or maybe make like a sampler tray that they could take home... any ideas? I want to do something really cool.
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