Speaking of frying your brain

I got up this morning and told myself I'd journal before the day took off, which I do on the computer. So I get on the computer and there is this error message, so I call my friend in India to see what I should do. After a couple of hours on the phone together, he told me what I already knew- to back up my files and we'd reinstall the operating system. So I did and then I tried to connect to the internet and couldn't for whatever reason, and so I called Comcast and set up an appointment to have someone come and fix it. And then after all the hours of backing up files, pictures, music... I realized that the problem getting online might be connected to my computer problem, so I called and cancelled. Well, while we were doing numerous lengthy tests, I learned that my friend, the one that spoke English beautifully, was going home in an hour and I'd have to wait to talk to him again until he goes back to work the next time. And the backing up took all of that hour and more. So I left him a message and then tried to log on with the laptop, which failed. So with final resolve to abandon ship, I put away the laptop and plugged everything back in to the tower and turned on the musicmatch jukebox, one major component of our computer usage, and guess what. No sound. *snort* My brain is starting to short out; please forgive my scatteredness...

So I turned all the volumes up and dug the tower out one more time and tried the plug in every hole until I got blasted with Planet Rock. Then I thought I'd try one last time to connect and HAHAHAHA I'm on. I'm ON RIGHT NOW!!!!

I'd like to first of all thank the academy for believing in. And more than that my friend at Dell whose name I will never know, for telling me during our first hour that I'd be qualified to be a tech by the end of all of this. Because, frankly, I am. But don't call me if you have computer trouble. I have a lot of kids and I like them more than teching. However, it might be worth considering after they're grown, I mean, computers, right? Everyone's got one!

P.S. Pictures coming soon.


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