Just in case you were wondering

This guy was on the wall outside the front door. Moustache Joe would be so jealous. Something about this side of the country- all the bugs are super sized.
This was Deisha on our couch a few weeks ago. She was really little. I thought if I included the whole couch you could better gauge how itty-bitty she was. She's not that little now though. Breast milk is like all-natural miracle grow. I put her in the sling today and my shoulder fell asleep after about fifteen minutes.
And this is what Deisha looks like in that sweet little dress with her itty-bitty booties. I love this dress; Dale bought it and brought it to the hospital while we were still locked up. When I first saw it I thought it'd be months before she could wear it. Little did I know...
She's sliding right into place in our household, but I have to be honest and tell you that the dynamics have changed dramatically. With Leila's fierce determination to maintain control of the throne, I am nervous to take the whole crew anywhere. Whoever said, "After you have three, adding more is no big deal," apparently never had six. I can't imagine adding again now that life with six is in full swing. It can be pretty overwhelming. Thank God for the foresight to give me Kennedy first. I don't know what I'd do without her. She's the equalizer, poor thing. She helps me in ways she will never fully understand, and for that I'm grateful. Which is why I give her money randomly and treat her to Starbucks when all the other kids have gone to bed.
And this is Deisha smiling. I still call her Leila about half the time. I caught myself halfway this time, but she still smiled and that's the point here. I can't be certain, but I'm pretty sure no baby has ever smiled this much this early. I can be sure, however, that I've never heard a baby scream as much or as brutally as this baby either. She's ear piercing- it's a painful experience for everyone in the room. But we so adore her and when she does this, it's like a magic potion that erases every memory of that scream.


  1. She is just precious. The sight of that bug however....oh my goodness, I would screamed. I HATE BUGS!!!!

  2. oh, she's precious. You are a blessed family for having each other.


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