Let the sun shine!

The days are going fast; I feel like I'm nesting again. Now that Deisha is settling into a routine and is willing to be awake without having to be held the whole time, I have a new lease on life!

This morning we all got up late. Even Deisha wasn't ready to get out of bed until after 8:30. It was so great. Last night I let them all watch movies until they conked out. It was probably close to ll:00 when the last one crashed, so that wasn't too bad. It paid off because they slept late. After we all got out of our jammies and had our teeth brushed, I turned on a new aerobics video that I bought at Wal-Mart. It was a lovely purchase at only twenty-five cents, and it's no wonder. They must've recorded it on the local channel and tried it out on the shelves. It's pretty dorky, but man is it a work-out! My legs threatened to give out on me all day. Anyway, I turned it on and before the first five minutes were up, all five kids had a can of vegetables in each hand and were doing the video with me. It was so funny!

The exciting activity of the day was ice cream at McDonald's playland. I made a goal for myself to only spend the cash that I have in purse, which was ten dollars. Rather than give in to the convenience of eating there, I overcame and served up sandwiches before we left. We spent about an hour in there with all the other stir crazy children in Lompoc. I always hate going in there when it's crowded because I have to explain every time that, "Some kids say those words, but we don't" or "Some kids' moms don't care if they scream, but I do. So don't." And, "I don't know why those boy are riding trays down the slide, but just you can't." I'm always torn between scolding someone else's kid for breaking the rules and just letting them get away with their raucous behavior. Usually I just try not to make a scene as long as no one's getting hurt.

Tonight we watched Karate Kid II and made broiled s'mores. They were good, but there's something about a good old-fashioned marshmellow roasted over a campfire. They just taste better. Leila insisted several times that we shut the tv off and come to her birthday party. Jasmine and I were the only ones to come at first, but Kennedy showed up late with a present and Tre came over for a piece of cake. (The movie just ended and she is in there jumping up and down saying, "Party time, Party time, my busday!")

Back on the nesting, I'm getting all kinds of things done. Today I took all the washable pieces off the stroller, bleached them, and loaded it in the truck. I have a load of books to take to Goodwill tomorrow, and the kids and I cleaned out the shed. I just feel like a million bucks when I get stuff done.

I have also been working on a little project that I can't wait to finish and share with you here. But until I get a little further on it, you'll just have to sit in suspense and wonder. Or call. I don't keep secrets very well.


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