Summertime Blues

Let's be real here. I was almost speechless back in Missouri when I told my OB that I was having severe mood swings and was curious about what they could give me to help level me out and he said, "I can give you Prozac, but you'll have to wait until next month. I immediately flashed to a vision of myself sitting in a corner with druel running down my chin in front of the TV with a melting bucket of ice cream in my lap and the kids running circles around me in their underwear shooting at each other with their homemade bows and arrows made from coat hangers, rubber bands, and pencils. When I snapped back to reality I asked sheepishly, "Isn't their a vitamin or an herb you could recommend?" I mean I was bad, but yikes. I have no experience with Prozac, but I've talked to people that do and it's never come highly recommended. So when he suggested B Complex, I went straight to Wal-Mart and stocked up. Then I went home and looked it up in the internet and learned that it also is a metabolism stabilizer and curbs PMS symptoms as well. I started taking it as soon as I got home that day.

After a week or so there was a notable difference in the depth of the mood swings and that's when I quit taking it. snort.

So this time, after the third or fourth time I had to scrape myself off the ceiling over spilled milk, I restocked my supply and have never gone back. Until this week. For some reason, I just didn't take any vitamins at all for three days. Do you know what happened? I found myself sitting with my head in my hands at the end of each day wishing away my life. It was a dramatic turn because I had been so-- well, so much more normal than I normally am after a baby.

Could it be true that B vitamins are that necessary? And maybe it's that I have some sort of deficiency. I know I have an aunt that has to take it in shots; maybe it's genetic. I don't know, but ladies, and gentlemen, stock up and watch the sun come out again. It's good. And it's real. And it's real good. I like it.

PS Trebo lost his first baby teeth within two days of each other. And guess what else? He somehow managed to eat BOTH OF THEM!!! This kid is one in a millski.
It's monkey language. He can speak in full sentences using that scary noise. HAhahaha.


  1. I keep coming back to this again and again--just to hear it and see it and smile and wonder what the translation is and smile and sigh and pray and believe that the time apart is short for...this too will pass.

  2. I keep coming back to this again and again--just to hear it and see it and smile and wonder what the translation is and smile and sigh and pray and believe that the time apart is short for...this too will pass.


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