Dale's Homemade Christmas

I will post more pictures of this sweet action soon, I just couldn't wait to share some of Dale's gifts from the homemade Christmas.  This a gocart that he made for the boys.  You can't believe how excited everyone was to ride this.  There are fights over whose turn it is everyday.
He made Deisha a hat.  Isn't it sweet?  Jasmine kept sneaking away with it and wearing it when Deisha wasn't paying attention.  When the new neighbors walked by though, she ripped it off and asked me if her hair looked ok.  Where does that come from???

He also made Jasmine's scarf, and Kennedy's hat.  I  know, right?  He made me a scarf too but I don't have good picture of it yet.  You can kind of see it in the next one, but I'll post a few more so you can see the true craftsmanship.
Who knew that hulking beefcake of a man was so good with a crochet hook?  He still surprises me.


  1. Well I must say I am jealous of Dale's crocheting! I have tried numerous times. Just not cut out for it. Good job!

  2. Simply amazing! He crocheted a go-cart?!? My beret is off to him!


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