The Playhouse
I can't full express my pure joy in the full appreciation I have received for making this playhouse. It really was not that much work, a few afternoons at the table with the kiddos all busily working on their projects and few evenings of handwork, but really considering the project, it wasn't too much.

Here's a view from the window. Between my two girls, the sloppiest ones, they had the playhouse floor as messy as their bedroom in no time!
I just snapped this from the kitchen. The apples are velcro and can go off and on. (Note to self: Next time do not attempt iron-on velcro with felt.) That tree started out so simply and then Tre joined the crafters and immediately cut a large chunk out of my pattern piece on the table. Then I cut a new one and it burned and shrank when I followed the instructions on the velcro pattern. So did the pillowcase I used between the iron and the felt. Yipes! The squirel was a fiasco too. I should've cut him out of felt, but I had some corduroy and thought it would be so cute until I cut it and it frayed all over the place. That left me finishing the edges, which was a shinanigan because it was so curvy. 
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