Our very first homemade Christmas went off without a hitch!!! It was a scramble there at the end, but the kids were all pleased with their homegrown surprises. Micah inadvertently requested a Scott Farcus hat, which explains this sweet expression on his face.

The kids didn't start creeping into the living room until about 6:15 this morning, which was a lovely surprise. I lay in bed for about 20 minutes listening to them whisper and sneak and squeal; music to my ears.

When I saw this thing the first time, I immediately went to work on it for Tre. I think it suits him so well. Look at that moostashee!!!

The bedlam was only magnified by our narrow living room, which made it all the more wonderful. I was even a teensy bit sad thinking about how much bigger our living room will be next year and how the piles of gifts will be strewn from wall to wall. (I'm speaking in faith here.)

Leila has been asking for this very bag since the first day we found out we were moving. She's had it in tow all morning. It's really fun when they're this easy to thrill.

She wasn't interested in gifts and kept tossing them away every time someone tried to put one in her hands. After she woke up a little and realized that all the noise was excitement and not meanness, she decided to participate. I'm still not sure that she opened a single wrapped gift, but she loved them once they were unveiled.

Here is a quick shot of the completed house and Leila's legwarmers. I will take more photos when the real house is picked up. Priorities, you know...

Here's the happy sweet face of the Christmas Daddy; it's a Christmas miracle from our house to yours!!!
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