
I love basketball season. Granted, when you have this many kids, it's a little loco trying to juggle practice schedules and games schedules and snack schedules, but when we are sitting in the bleachers watching one of our own running up and down the court, I get really excited. I may even, at times, embarrass my family with my whooping and screaming and spontaneous leaps from the bleachers. I don't mind causing a ruckus, and honestly I don't think my kids mind either. It's the people next to me that don't know me from Adam that I fret over.
So last week when I was sitting next to one of my neighbors at the game, I explained to her that "I have a small life. These basketball games are the highlight of my week."
That smallness has hung in my head ever since. It's difficult to explain my life as small. I mean let's get real, six children? That's huge. I have a huge life. It's the box that's small. And the circumstances, we are all in one place most of the time. About half the time, even in our little box of a residence, we are all in the same room. When my kids start to grow and spread the branches, my life will get bigger and more complex. Which is ironic because as they grow, my role shrinks, making my work smaller and theirs greater, but it's still my life, my huge-normous life.
It's like we are all crammed inside the seed waiting to sprout and send out roots. Ahh... the day is coming for us to send out our roots!
With that said, we've found the house. I can't promise that God has given us this house, but I really do believe in my heart, that this house is the one that we've been praying for Him to save for us ever since we landed here. You've all been so faithful to pray that God would bring us home, and thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! A million thanks to you for that! Now would you pray "And gift them their house."? We are believing that it is ours for the taking, we just have to step out in faith. We need the seller to come WAAAAAAYYYYYY down, but we BELIEVE he will, with a little nudge from the Gift Giver, Giver of all good things. I know that God hears and answers prayer. We are already dreaming dreams for this place as a refuge for widows and orphans. All we ask is the mention of this small requests to our precious Lord, "And gift the Sutton's their house."
Thank you, and hey, remember Nick? He was in our family picture. He's not mine, but I'd take him!! xoxo
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