Monday, Happy Monday!
I think about this blog a lot during the day. If I could be down here writing all the time, and it's probably a good thing I can't, I would. Let me first apologize for not including more pictures. I really don't like it when people post web cam photos of themselves in every post just to fancy it up. It seems silly. You know what I look like; it only changes when I am pregnant or have a major event coming up that I want to be skinnier for. What you are really hoping to find is a photograph of my kids or our house or something creative- like a bug or a project. You don't want to see me with my frumpy "stay in the house all day" hair and my smeared mascara from last night because I don't shower until we are about ready to walk out the door or Dale is about to walk it... It's just the way it is. I know you, the few, the faithful, will return and read- if not skim- this post; dazzling photos or not! It's because you love m...