Co-op and Stuff

I have to tell you, the co-op was not what I expected.  We were happily surprised to see lots of children in each of the kids' age groups- which shouldn't have been a surprise being that I had a kid in almost every class.  They all had lots of fun and I was in the nursery for most of the day.  Listen. I'm not a nursery gal.  I did it and it was fine, but I did not love it.  I was, however, grateful for the taco soup at the end of the tunnel!  It's silly, but knowing that I had dinner in the crockpot made it so much easier not to stop at a drive-through on the way home.  The kids were practically begging.  One mention of taco soup shut it down.  Seriously!  There is no doubt that if I had not made dinner it would have been double cheeseburgers all the way.
Poor Dale did not get his QT hot dog, not from me anyway.  By the time he and Leila made it home from their special day, I was already in jammies and snuggled down for the night.  Actually by 6:00 I was dressed for bed and clocked out for the day.  It wasn't that the day was labor intensive, really, I just... I'm kind of a whiny-pants and my energy doesn't go very far.  It doesn't help that I've abandoned my healthy eating and exercise, so I am running on simple sugars and carbohydrates and minimal protein.  They run out pretty quickly... and I'm surprised? 

My moods swing more drastically too.  I've gone from elation to deep, deep sadness, to explosive hostility in a matter days- hours even.  It's the food.  It has to be the food.  There are ways of managing this pregnancy and I am not doing it.  Pray for me!  ARGH!!!  It's a mountain I fear I will never get over.


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