
We have been blessed to be welcomed into the church that we have been praying for, for years and years.  It seemed like a simple request, but the rarity of our fellowship is such that it took over a decade, and travelling back and forth across the country to find it.  I can't say that I am surprised, I honestly didn't think it would ever happen, but it was well worth the wait.  I don't think I could've possible appreciated it way back then when I was wishing for it, as much as I do now. 

What I love about it is... for one thing it's small; eight families.  Worship is intimate, reverent, and the focus is never on a person or a performance, but it is always Jesus.  The Bible teaching is core, systematic, and sound doctrinally.  There is an opportunity for everyone to share every week, either prayer needs, or exciting answers to prayer, or things to sharpen one another.  The kids sit through every service, gleaning what they can from the depth of the teaching, and after each meeting, we have a meal together.  There is a real opportunity to bear each others' burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ because we know each other, and we continue to learn about each other every week.  We share our heavy burdens and they are lightened.  There is wisdom in many different areas from each walk of life, and there is a very real love for the brethren.

I can't even describe to you what a blessing it has been to be part of this body.  I guess the biggest thing is that I feel safe; safe to share, safe to invest, safe about my future there. There are people in our fellowship that are enduring immeasurably difficult trials, but they are victorious because in Christ they have not had to walk through the darkness alone.  While there is heaviness at times, there are people around them consistently to hold their hands and encourage them to keep going.  It gives me the confidence to accept anything that may come our way with grace and courage in Christ, knowing that He will sustain me, and that the body of Christ will without a doubt come to my aid in my time of need. 

Praise be to God, the Giver of every good and perfect gift!


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