Sunday, lovely Sunday

After a week full of answered prayers the Lord blessed us with the gift of a cool, breezy morning.  Dale's mom was with us this morning and got to enjoy a beautiful start to a lovely day.  We all sat on the porch talked for a while, then we watched as a mother bird tutored her baby bird in the ways of the world.  The baby hopped back over the yard while she flew back and forth from ground to tree limb making short hops in between to teach the tiny thing how to do it.  It was the most precious sight!  We could have stayed all morning and watched them.

In case you're curious I am seventeen weeks now and have been showing since I was about six hours along.  When my tummy is nice and round I will post some pictures.  Until then, it's too hard to get a photo that is flattering in any way.  I am enjoying a healthy mix of normal clothes and maternity clothes, which is nice because I don't feel totally confined to my narrow maternity wardrobe.  We'll see once fall hits how that all plays out.  The Lord continues to provide in the most amazing ways, and I am abundantly thankful.

Now that my kids have accomplished sooo much of the housework in prep for church tonight, I could sit here and stare at this screen for the rest of my free time, but I won't.  I always feel scattered when we get down to the four o'clock hour- especially if I haven't had a chance to fix myself up after the rat race.  So... In an effort to avoid that I guess I'll get on it.  Or maybe take a nap.


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