Feeling Better

The Movie Marathon was just what we needed.  I took the kids to the library to get their movies, and then we went to Price Chopper to pick up everything we needed for Root Beer floats and Scamboli Bread.  It was a real treat for the kids; snapped me right out of my funk.  We started with Ratatoui, next was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, followed by Kit Kitteridge. (cutest movie ever!)  I managed to knit all of the body and most of the head of my first project.

Today we have some pretty big excitement.  It's the first day of our co-op.  One of the girls at church invited us to go, and we couldn't be more thrilled.  I have been hunting for something the kids can do outside of church and house that they could do at the same time, rather than running in all directions.  It should be fun.  I am looking forward to it.

It's funny how having something on our schedule gets me all worked up.  We got up early this morning in order to squeeze in one math lesson and get ready for our coop that we have to leave for at noon.  I am planning to do some Spanish lessons on tape in the car that I bought at a garage sale.  Can't hurt, right?  The only thing is, I need to get something in the crockpot for dinner and... well Dale's not going to eat taco soup.  I might just throw that in for the kiddos and whip him up a masterpiece later- like a QT hot dog or something magical like that. 

Hope you're enjoying this lovely cool front today!  I know I am!!!


  1. awesome - I am totally proud of myself - taco soup in crock for supper. Stop over for some!

  2. Taco soup sounds yummy, but it is Wheatstate Pizza fundraiser for school. Sounds like a good reason not to cook to me!!


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