One day

Update:  I am still eating under control, exercising five times a week, and asking God to keep me in check.

In other news: I feel like I am going under.

Last night I started to let the floodgates down, and there was a torrent of emotion that I am unable to explain. I am still fighting to put a lid on the tears 12 hours later.

I know it's hormonal. That knowledge is no less upsetting than if I had a more reasonable explanation for my sadness.

I am fighting depression everyday.

I feel displaced.

Maybe its because my house is such a mess. Or because I am exhausted from doing even the bare minimums. I feel guilty for neglecting the mountainous emotional needs of these precious ones placed in my care.

I sort of pride myself on their self-sufficiency but and landblasted when their hearts are laid bare and they are needy and unattended under all of that responsibility.

Who am I that God would continue to extend His blessing to me in this desperate and wretched estate? What really matters here?

I am bombarded with these questions on top of this crazy mess. It sends me reeling, which compels me to climb back into my bed, the only plausible solution.

I need help, but I'm not sure what with. I need hope, even though the Jesus, the hope of glory, resides within me.

It's a terrible feeling.



  1. I am amazed that you are still exercising 5 days a week! Maybe your body is telling you that eight is enough. I don't remember you ever feeling this way before or you never expressed it like this before. Everything is downhill now! You are almost done!! Hang in there. Exercise if it makes you feel better, eat something if it makes you feel better. You are right, this is totally hormonal! love you!


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