
The Lord has been good to me. Somehow He has flipped the switch, and I am back in control of this blasted eating issue!  It seems like when I am off, I am a crazy mess. When I am on, nothing can stop me! Even pregnant, I believed that it was impossible for me to eat with self-control, but the Lord has done the impossible.  All praise be to God!

Having a plan in place has helped immensely. For instance, today I went to Burger King with my homegirls for lunch. I was excited to figure out what I could eat within the boundaries of my plan. That made it so that I had no trouble eating only what was on the list.

I have to be honest, I am tired again and having what feels like hot flashes on occasion. I'm not sure if it is the sudden change in eating or the new flood of hormones attributed the third trimester. I have to believe that eating a balanced diet and exercising is a blessing for this baby and in no way a curse.

So far, smooth sailing! Woohoo!! Thank you for praying and standing by me in this journey!!



  1. It is very wise to look online and figure out the calorie count before going to eat fast food! It is a must!


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