The Journey

One more signal regarding God's will for my eating habits came this week, when I failed my glucose test.  I sat in the doctors office for three hours today making a plan of action.

I don't want to have gestational diabetes. I do, however, need some accountability. After my sister went through all of that, it really opened my eyes to the danger it can be to the baby. Just being borderline has been another reality check that may have been enough to shake me out of my gluttonous stupor.

After my appointment, I stocked up on some high protein staple snacks and calculated a plan.

I would have had a great day on the plan if I didn't have to drink the 450 calorie glucola first thing this morning. On the flip side, being over the calorie cutoff forced me to get on the treadmill. I still need to eat a snack later!

Pray for me, that I will crave the love of our precious Lord more than I crave Brachs royals caramel candies. 



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