Don't lose heart.
I don't have pictures...
...except this one!

I just took this one, just for you.

After a crazy coop
I feel depleted.
I don't wanna work
I just wanna bang on these drums all day.

I'll tell you what happened today.
I went to coop and felt happy.
Excited even.
I love teaching.
Then I saw my friend.
I have this one friend at coop
that I see outside of coop.
I look so forward to seeing her.
She has a new friend.
Her new friend is at coop.
They live close to each other.
Is this a blast from jr high or what?
I feel stupid writing this.
But you're honest with me.
I am honest with you.
They were making plans to see each other
throughout the week.
I feel unfriended.
Dale and I tell each other that we are all we need.
After church Sunday
and now the unfriending
I feel isolated.
If you lived here we would party.
We'd live close
and make plans for the week.
And then we'd party together
with all our kids and
a mountain of grilled cheese sandwiches.



  1. Oh my goodness! Eek! Ugh! I hate that! So sorry that happened!!! Yes, we will eat grilled cheeses! Btw, you look all pretty and stuff!!! I miss you tons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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