It's September 1st. This is officially opening day of our holiday season. I had a bad day last week, then I remembered that September 1st was just around the corner. The thought of it brought me so much joy that everything else just went into the shadows of this happy scene!
This is Charlie Brown. 
He's a serious contributor to the kick-off of the holiday season around here. Today we did lots of traditional celebratory things. One of them was watching "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!" Charlie Brown is my favorite. I love all of his movies. I've always cheered for the underdog. Maybe that's why I love him. Or maybe watching him makes me feel like a kid again. Do you ever really grow up, or do you just act grown up when you have to? I think about that a lot. I don't feel much different.  I tell my kids that being brave isn't no being afraid, it's about being courageous even when you're scared. I wonder if the whole grown-up thing is sort of along those lines...
We also made popcorn balls, drank apple cider, and ate candy corn
and candy pumpkins. I found this recipe online, it was the first one
I came to, and it was perfect! It made the best popcorn balls I've
ever had. So gooey and yummy... no scratching up the mouth
trying to chew through the popcorn and glue that holds it together.
This will be the next new family tradition we are adding this year!
Oh yes, I made pumpkin bread this morning to kick-off the day! It couldn't have been more perfect.  It's been hot as the equator these past few days. This morning I woke up to a crashing, thunderous rainstorm. When I walked Dale to the door on his way to work, a cool breeze blew into the house.  Straight away I shut down the A/C and opened all the windows. It didn't last long, but it was a beautiful way to start the day! 
This creep-o has scared the heck out of my little ones for years!
He's on "Halloween Garfield". We will watch this movie countless times
in the next few months. Seriously, every single day someone will
watch this movie. I don't know how we can love it so much when
we have seen it thousands of times, but we all do!
I know you all think I'm crazy, but I don't care. The holiday season
represents something so much bigger than the snacks and movies.
It is a season of life and hope and abundance that we only have
because of Jesus and the sacrifice He made. I think about it
every day of this season. It seems to start earlier and earlier
for us, which only brings more glory to God! So come over!
Drink apple cider with us and let's celebrate!


  1. Looks great!! Too hot for pumpkins here! Haven't seen any yet! Great memories and traditions you are making! I love fall!!!!

    1. These are foam pumpkins that I found on clearance a few years ago! We will get some real ones when it cools off!


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