Breaking Down

There' s a Florence and the Machines song that I can hear banging in my head.
I don't know most of the words, but there is one phrase that repeats.
"I think I'm breaking down again..."
I don't know why she's breaking down, or why I feel so connected to the song right now, but I do.
I am tired and busy.
Didn't finish my list today, even though I worked so hard to get through it!
There's a new Toby Keith song that I love too.
Drinks After Work.
Just drinks after work...
I don't drink after work.
I don't work with anyone but Kennedy.
Kennedy can't get drinks after work.
But every time I hear it, I want to dance around and get drinks after work!
It's weird, I know.
It just proves that my affinity for these songs has no direct correlation to my immediate circumstances.
I just like em.
All that to say,
I don't think I'm breaking down again.
I am fatter, though!
Too much partying.
Not enough disciple.
Happy weekend!!


  1. Parrying! Djess! What is the background in this post? I miss Moses! Such a happy baby!


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