Lost and Found

This morning I got up early to make muffins for the munchkins.
When I couldn't find my muffin tins, I started emptying cabinets.
In the meantime, Moses woke up and needed a bottle.
I couldn't find one of those either.
That led me to emptying the utinsil drawers in the kitchen.
I don't put bottles away in the drawers, but 90% of the time I don't put any dishes away. :)

I buy minute muffins.
Tear open package, pour in milk, stir, and bake.
One minute prep.
Only today, the minute muffins turned into a total kitchen clean-out.
And yay! Kitchen cabinets are no longer  emptying their contents every time the doors are opened!

So here's the great news:
I found stuff!!
I have this...idiosyncracy.
I lose stuff.
Every single day I lose stuff.
It drives me absolutely CRAZY!
It has left me with this deep-seated fear that things disappear.
You can imagine my surprise when I found stuff in cabinets and under drawers.
My stuff wasn't gone, it was just missing.
Yay! Yay! Yay!
My dance with insanity is tempered with reason.
It's rare.
I'm gonna celebrate it!



  1. We ate apple cm pancakes today!! Yum! I am with ya on losing stuff! So frustrating.....


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