This Day
I'm so sick. Of course I saved all my work for the end of the week so I could have a squeaky clean house when Dale came home. Then I laid in bed all day. I'm up now. Hoping to get all that squeaky cleaning done in the next hour so I can go back to bed. Ugh... I wish I had a video recorder going at all times so you could hear my little girls singing and some of the wacky antics of the boys or the screaming and laughing from the big girls. But today I'm glad you can't see into our world. It's kind of a mess and I am a lazy cow. This is what it comes down to. I may be the glue in this house but Dale is the structure. He gives our lives deadlines and goals and destinations. I don't do well without him. Maybe I have needed a break but mostly I am very very lazy if I can be. And that's what it comes down to. I'm ready for him to be home. I adore him so... Don't get sick, friends. Once it moves in, in never goes ...