
I should have started writing the first day.

I had some weird pains during my period, so I took some ibuprofen and it stopped.

Next cycle, same thing, only it was much worse. 
I was doubled over in tears for a little over an hour.
Next day same thing, not as bad.

I called my OB/GYN but they couldn't get to me
so I went to a family practice in town.
She sent me for a sonogram.
The pain wasn't unbearable,
but a 12-day period is unusual.
Better see what's going on.

The sonogram should have been quick.
It took a long time.
It showed thickened endometrial stripe.
I was walking through Target when my doctor called.
I said, "What does this mean?"
She said, "Worst case scenario is endometrial cancer."

She said the C word.
I didn't hear anything after that.

I tried to get in with my OB/GYN
but they were taking forever to call me back.
So I called another clinic.
They got me right in.
After a quick conversation, even before a pelvic
he was ready to schedule me for a hysterectomy.


Sounded good to me,
but after we left there I finally got a call back.
My real doctor wanted to go over my symptoms
and possibly take a biopsy.
I explained that I was scheduled for surgery already.
She didn't insist, but was persistent about me coming in.

So right now I am minutes from loading the car to go that appointment.



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