The Christian Experience

I've been reading.
I don't know what it is about
GK Chesterton
that pushes me into serious thought
but he does.

I keep mulling these thoughts over and over in my mind...

Life in Christ
is not
an emotional thrill ride.
If yours is
you might want to
check your ticket.

I lived this way for years.
When I didn't feel anything,
I was lost.
There was nothing to my faith
past the weekly tears and joy
the kneeling and leaping.
My occasional Bible reading
hardly laid a foundation for
my understanding of who God is.

Loving Jesus is so much more.
The gospel message of Jesus Christ
in action
leaves little to be desired.
It's deeply satisfying.
It's rich and abundant.
But it's not always emotional.
I am so thankful to know
the work of the Holy Spirit in my life,
apart from the shenanigans.

Seeking the Lord out of obedience,
Studying His Word out of obedience.
Praying without ceasing out of obedience
creates depth that cannot be explained.
God is so much more than our understanding of Him
from our experience.
That's why it is SO critical to study Him in the Word.
When our service, our slavery to Him
is grounded in love for Him,
Rather than some get to give concept,
He is able to grow fruit in us.
Good, lasting fruit.



  1. I was on top of my game in this post, before I got pregnant, right before, when I still felt good. When I was soaring on wings like eagle... When I had all the balls in the air.

    Reading this gives me that quiet assurance that even when I'm not on top of my game, God is the same. His feelings for me are the same. He does not tremble at my frail faith. He doesn't question my inability to consistently do all these things! He even said we are strong when we are weak. In right where He wants me... Weird.


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