The Gospel

The power of the Gospel
is something to consider.
The Gospel is
God's message
to the world.
It's not just the good news of love and mercy,
even though it is that.
It's the whole truth. 

Those who are in the flesh
cannot please God.
It's a critical part of the Gospel message
that is rarely preached.
The Gospel is the heart of God
to humanity.
Your confession of faith is
only the beginning.

We are memorizing Romans 8 as a family.
Maybe that's why it's so prevalent in my mind.
Listen to what it says.

"...for if you are living according to the flesh
you must die; but if by the Spirit you are
putting to death the deeds of the flesh
you will live. For all who are being led
by the Spirit of God, these are the
sons of God."
If you're not,
then you're not.

I've been in church a long time.
I've listened to Dale rant for a long time
about how the Gospel isn't being preached
in churches.
And I've poo-poo-ed his groanings as
Then the light came on.
A blinding, terrifying light.
Churches that are teaching
grace apart from justice
are teaching a half truth,
therefore, a false gospel.
They are leading their parish
into a false sense of security.
Lost people that are not discipled
in the truth
could very easily fall away
and still believe their faith is secure,
regardless of the lives they lead! 


People that believe they will go to heaven
because they raised their hand and repeated a prayer
could very well die and go to Hell!

It's a terrifying reality.

I'm not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
for it is the power of God for salvation
to everyone who believes!

The WHOLE GOSPEL will save your soul!



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