I had these high hopes

I got up early and went to work.
I came home early from work and
planned frozen pizza for dinner
since the older kids and Dale
would be gone all night.
I was reeling from the possibilities
of what I could do with
I'd have to myself
after the little ones
went to bed.

So after we ate dinner,
I decided to
put the bunk beds back up.
The three little girls live in one room
one the main floor
with too many toys
and about twice that much trash
between the three of them.
It makes me crazy.
So I thought,
Micah's here,
and together we could put up the bunk beds
in a flash.

So I got out my drill and went to work
but first I had to clear a path to the beds.
Then I had to gather up some of the
piles of stuff
into a trash bag
to get it out of the way.
Then after I moved the beds out from the wall, removed the mattresses, piled a huge mountain of stuff on Scarlette's junior bed,
I put the drill to the hexbolt.
The first one was completely stripped out.
The second one was completely stripped out.
The third one... same story.
It would be impossible for me to
whip the bunk beds into shape in a flash.
I need research to remove the bolts
and a trip to the beloved hardware store,
Jeff's True Value,
in order to even rebuild the beds
to stack them up,

Now I'm tired
and there is a mountain
and the beds are all stripped
and what I wanted to do was
watch movies
with my girls
for a little while.
Well I blew it.
Big time.
Best night ever, gone.

I did manage to get the beds rearranged
and some of the stuff out of the way so they could
get into their new bed arrangement,
which they were pleased with,
so, BOOM!
Night redeemed!


P.S. Apparently the kids and I need to work on compound words because I had a lot of spelling errors and they were all compound-word related!


  1. Hahahaha! I laugh because I always had trouble with the bunk beds and had huge piles everywhere! Not an easy job!!! Not fun!!!! Yay for pizza!!!! I never made it to the school table today...boo. had a sick headache...

    1. Sometimes when I am reading old blog posts I get that feeling like I'm wandering the dark empty halls of my high school. Quiet and a little lonely. And then I see a comment from you and it's like your sweet face peeked around the corner at me. Not so lonely anymore. Thanks for showing up. I really miss you.


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