I call it lazy
Technically the day starts at 12am. I'll begin there with my lazy day. At midnight I brought the baby to bed to nurse one more time before I fell asleep. Put baby back to bed. No sleep, instead of staring at the wall, I wrote on my blog. Just as I wrapped up the post, Mose woke up with an earache. I comforted him for a few minutes And laid back down. In 5 minutes he cried again, So I relocated to his bedroom and put him in bed with me. I spoke softly to him and rubbed his head and prayed for sleep for both of us. Around 1:30 the baby woke up to nurse which was a blessing because we were still awake. I fed him again, put him back to bed, and drifted off for about 20 minutes after which I woke up to Mose kicking the wall and singing a song. At that point I put him back in his bed and tried to sleep. 2:30 baby's up again. 4:30 again. 6:00 again. I fell asleep nursing him and Dale woke me up to iron at 6:30. I was awake enough to fry him some eggs And prayed again that I c...