I call it lazy

Technically the day starts at 12am.
I'll begin there with my lazy day.
At midnight I brought the baby to bed to nurse one more time before I fell asleep.
Put baby back to bed.
No sleep, instead of staring at the wall, I wrote on my blog.
Just as I wrapped up the post,
Mose woke up with an earache.
I comforted him for a few minutes 
And laid back down. 
In 5 minutes he cried again,
So I relocated to his bedroom and put him in bed with me.
I spoke softly to him and rubbed his head and prayed for sleep for both of us. 
Around 1:30 the baby woke up to nurse which was a blessing because we were still awake.
I fed him again, put him back to bed, and drifted off for about 20 minutes after which I woke up to Mose kicking the wall and singing a song.
At that point I put him back in his bed and tried to sleep.
2:30 baby's up again.
4:30 again.
6:00 again.
I fell asleep nursing him and Dale woke me up to iron at 6:30.
I was awake enough to fry him some eggs
And prayed again that I could fall asleep.
I dozed off just in time for Mose to say, "Can I get up, Mom?"
Might as well. It's light outside.
Now for day shift. 
Change diapers.
Give baths.
Dress little boys and send the next pair to the bath.
Breakfast is deligated while I clean up my room, which is wrecked from the TV party the night before.
School work, now.
At 11:30, lunch. Nurse baby.
As the kids eat, I am picking up, 
Collecting trash, wiping counters and floors and noses.
Diaper changes and one episode of 
Dionsaur Train before naps.
Boys lie down at 1:30.
I fold laundry and put away toys and papers and markers and scissors and trash from school.
At 2 the baby is awake and nursing again.
I find myself staring listlessly at the wall.
I text my sister that I'm lazy. And my house is a mess.
3:00 time to get the boys from school.
Get out meat to thaw for dinner.
Pick up boys and home again at 4:30.
Make dinner, baby screaming, more cleanup, finish up with baby on hip.
At this point I cry a little.
Deligate feeding dogs, taking out trash, pulling trash cans to curb.
Dinner is served, feed baby, start a load of laundry.
Sort the mail and make mental note to pay bills and make appointments.
Cleanup is deligated, but the follow up is brutal.
Wipe counters and hope someone will sweep and mop the floor soon.
Grab a quick shower.
Move to basement for the remainder of evening.
Kids bouncing and climbing and sitting on my lap. Feeding baby.
TV, facebook, unwind.
8:00 devotions, littles to bed, feed baby.
Change diapers, Jammie babies, put them to bed.
Bigs stay up while I pray and work on my at-home biz.
11:00 bigs to bed
Work the biz till midnight.
Time for night shift.

We're all busy. 
We're not lazy.
Let's build each other up and be compassionate towards one another.



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