the struggle is real
I get ugly.
I think things and say things
that destroy people
To feel better about myself.
Why can't I just show love?
It seems so simple, just don't say it.
Be kind or hush it.
I never regret doing that.
But I ALWAYS regret saying too much
And tearing someone down.
These petty foolish thoughts of mine
Stem from insecurity.
Oh that my mouth would pour forth
Words of LIFE
And not poison that seeps
Into the weak places of others
And corrodes.
That my thoughts would even
Build and not tear down.
All the ugly girls of the Bible
Are manipulators
Back biters
The beautiful ones are kind
Remember when Abraham gave Sarai to the pharaoh and said she was his sister?
I always thought she was so lovely to go along to protect her husband.
Blind trust.
Obviously she trusted the Lord to deliver her.
She didn't fight Abraham or emasculate him for his fear of being killed.
What a beautiful response to idiocy.
So from this point on
Let my words be few-er.
Let my responses be more gentle.
Let my focus be on others.
That I might embody the gospel message
In living color.
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