Days like this

Hourly sessions with Clinton through the night
A wake up call late in the morning from Lol
Scarlette wakes up talking and goes on for a very long time
Deisha's tummy hurts. And her head.
The kitchen is dirty.
Breakfast is had by some but not all.
I'm answering 3rd grade geometry questions as I wipe counters and walls.
I make breakfast for Dreamboat and teach Deish to use her fingers to do big math problems.
Now I'm ironing as she sits in a chair nearby sounding out words.
Dreamboat is in a hurry and gone in a flash.
The sleeplessness sets in the second he's out the door.
Lunch for the littles and a nap for me.
Mose and Clinton go down for a nap and I shower.
We load up 5 minutes late for Tre's play only to find out we're 20 minutes late and missed the whole thing.
Cookies and tea to follow the show.
We collect both boys and head to appointments. 
Drop one off, pick up pizza and sodas, drop one more off.
Littles on the playground.
Home before dark
Kids play outside, I clean the garage.
Four mice trapped in an unintentional chamber are discovered and gazed upon.
The garage is clean, I feel new.
Kids to bed in time to clean up a little. 
Make a meal for Dreamboat to take to work and drink a glass of wine before bed.
Why on earth am I wide awake at 1:41am?? 

Just living the dream, I guess... 


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