World's Greatest Mother

Thoughts from my Sunday school class... so much incredible wisdom happening in that classroom!!! We were talking about Jochabed, Moses's mom. The woman is a hero. Seriously. She did the scariest, most incredible thing... she was blindly obedient. Dude, it was loco what she did. They wanted her to toss her baby boy in the Nile River, but she didn't. They wanted baby Mose dead, but he lived. God pricked her heart when she looked at that beautiful face, and He placed a dream in her heart that he could live if she bucked the system. God asked her to do something scary. Out of obedience she hid her tiny baby until she could hide him no more. She risked her life and his life for the sake of obedience. See what God did there? He used what she already had to accomplish His purpose. What she had was the unconditional, God-given love that only a mother can have for her son. She saw something special in her newborn baby that only a mama can see. Then when sh...